Sunday, 9 May 2021

Auto Insurance 2021


The Green Card policy is a compulsory motor third party liability insurance for causing harm to the life and property of third parties when operating a car. It has been operating since 1951 and has already been applied to 48 countries of the world. Insurance allows you to settle claims in the event of an accident involving a foreign car while protecting your interests and compensating for damage to the injured.

Two types of Green Card policies are sold in Russia:

They operate only on the territory of four countries - Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and Azerbaijan.

Valid in all states included in the system (including the above).

The Green Card system includes 48 countries: Russia, all of Europe, Israel, etc. More information on the website of the Russian Bureau of the Green Card.

Insurance cannot be issued online due to the presence of several degrees of protection: watermarks, identification number and a metallized strip, which is applied using special equipment. The certificate cannot be sent by e-mail, as is the case with other policies.

What to look for when registering?

What affects the cost of the Green Card

When calculating the cost of the Green Card, only:

Car / vehicle type.

The period for which you travel abroad (from 15 days to 1 year).

The countries you are planning to visit.

If you intend to travel only to Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova or Azerbaijan, you can buy a cheaper version of the Green Card policy valid in these four countries. If you plan to visit not only these countries, you need to buy a policy that is valid in all states of the system.

Rates are recalculated monthly, depending on the euro exchange rate, are set by the PCA from the 15th day of each month and are the same for all insurance companies in Russia.

You can familiarize yourself with the current rates on the website of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.

Features of the Green Card

Insurance conditions are the same for all insurance companies selling the Green Card certificate.

This document is issued for the car with an indication of the person concluding the contract. The policyholder does not have to be the owner of the vehicle.

The certificate is valid for all drivers who are legally allowed to drive a vehicle.

The policy should be purchased no earlier than 30 days before the trip.

If the driver of a foreign car is to blame for the accident, you will be compensated for the damage.

If the accident happened to your fault, you just need to show the Green Card to the police representative or the victim.

Settlement of all claims is carried out within the insurance amounts in accordance with the legislation of the country where the accident occurred.

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